Monday, January 28, 2008

Retreat Re-Cap

Great photo of the Jumonville Cross, eh?
That's the effect of an extreme fog that fell over the camp on Saturday night.
But the fog was no damper on the workings of God's Spirit this past weekend! We had an incredible weekend of worship, fellowship, and bible study. God really did a work in our hearts, including my own.
We celebrated the 16th birthday of one of the guys in my youth group....But the angels in heaven were celebrating this weekend for another reason! Three of the youth committed themselves to Christ for the first time on this weekend! Praise God! I spent some time in prayer with each of them individually, and I know that their hearts were sincere. Please pray for Eric, Trevor, and Chris, that God will strengthen them and pour out His grace into their lives as His children.
A handful of other youth recommitted themselves to Christ, confessed some personal struggles and sins, and affirmed the significance of this Christian community in their lives. One of my seniors, Derek, challenged all the youth to really be witnesses in their schools and extracurricular activities, and not to be intimidated by peers and adults who hate the Christian faith. Another senior, a very shy but very deep girl named Alana, made cards for each youth and chaperone, encouraging them in their faith.
I especially thank my fellow chaperones, Greg, Jane, and Penny, who gave up a whole weekend just loved all these great teenagers!
Thank you, Almighty God, for meeting us at Jumonville and reminding us of Your all-embracing love and grace!

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